sinProject Inc. Приложения

Tweecha Theme P:Hawk 2.0
sinProject Inc.
This is Hawk a Prime Theme for tweecha.Free themes show ad.Prime themes don't show ad.(If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Ads for Pro will beshown.)There is a possibility that the operations do not expect becausetime is short to the public.Please contact suchcases.IMPORTANT- Cannot start from play store. Open from program menu.- Cannnot open the app from shortcut on home that createdautomatically, Remove shortcut, and create a new shortcut againfrom the program menu.- It may tweecha is unusable for several reasons, including:Twitter specification changes.- If you enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads will bedisplayed.- Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at title of settingsand notification.HOW TO USE- Install tweecha later v6.0 or later.- Install this theme app.- Stop tweecha if it is active.- Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.
Tweecha Theme P:Cyber Green 2.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a Cyber Green Prime Theme for tweecha.Free themes show ad.Prime themes don't show ad.(If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Ads for Pro will beshown.)There is a possibility that the operations do not expect becausetime is short to the public.Please contact suchcases.IMPORTANT- Cannot start from play store. Open from program menu.- Cannnot open the app from shortcut on home that createdautomatically, Remove shortcut, and create a new shortcut againfrom the program menu.- It may tweecha is unusable for several reasons, including:Twitter specification changes.- If you enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads will bedisplayed.- Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at title of settingsand notification.HOW TO USE- Install tweecha later v6.0 or later.- Install this theme app.- Stop tweecha if it is active.- Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.
calculacha! (Calculator) 0.9.4
sinProject Inc.
calculacha! is an amazing calculator app fromthe creator of tweecha that lets you easily work out percentages!tweecha has been awarded #1 in Twitter app ranking.For enquiries tweet @iam_o_sin do not send emails or enquire within app reviews)---Features- You can easily calculate percentages!You can calculate percentages easily! Incredibly handy! Beloware examples.* Calculate the post-tax price of 5,500JPY (Japanese consumptiontax is 8%): 5,500 + % = 5,940* Work out the 25% off price of 10,000JPY: 10,000 - 25 % =7,500* What is 30% of 30,000JPY?: 30,000 * 40 % = 12,000* 43% of 120,000,000 people : 120,000,000 * 43 % = 51,600,000- Yes it's true! This calculator can talk!- I pressed the wrong key! Wrong digit! I want to do it again!Press clear button to cancel the last digit. Press and hold toclear all!- How many digits?! Input up to 24 digits, display up to 48digits!- What would be a useful feature? Decimal calculation by typing ina denominator of a fraction.- Type 1 million quickly! There is a '000' button that lets you keyin thousands.- What was the last button I pressed? Displays last calculation onthe top left side of the screen.- I use plus-minus change button a lot.- Displays 48 digits?! Changes font size automatically.- I know the one where you can do the last calculation again bypressing = button!- Hold on, are there more hidden functions?!See details on the official website of calculacha!
Tweecha Theme P:Santa Animals 2.2
sinProject Inc.
This is The Santa Animals Prime theme fortweecha.Free themes show ads.A TweechaPrimePlus Donation hides ads.Prime themes don't show ads.(If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Ads for Pro will beshown.)There is a possibility that the operations do not expect becausetime is short to the public.Please contact suchcases.IMPORTANT- Cannot start from play store. Open from program menu.- Cannnot open the app from shortcut on home that createdautomatically, Remove shortcut, and create a new shortcut againfrom the program menu.- It may tweecha is unusable for several reasons, including:Twitter specification changes.- If you enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads will bedisplayed.- Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at title of settingsand notification.HOW TO USE- Install tweecha later v6.0 or later.- Install this theme app.- Stop tweecha if it is active.- Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.
Tweecha ThemeP:Pink Flower 4.0.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme for tweecha is a donation version.
Tweecha Theme P:Christmas Icon 2.2
sinProject Inc.
This is a Christmas Icon Prime for tweecha.Free themes show ads.A TweechaPrimePlus Donation hides ads.Prime themes don't show ads.(If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Ads for Pro will beshown.)There is a possibility that the operations do not expect becausetime is short to the public.Please contact suchcases.IMPORTANT- Cannot start from play store. Open from program menu.- Cannnot open the app from shortcut on home that createdautomatically, Remove shortcut, and create a new shortcut againfrom the program menu.- It may tweecha is unusable for several reasons, including:Twitter specification changes.- If you enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads will bedisplayed.- Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at title of settingsand notification.HOW TO USE- Install tweecha later v6.0 or later.- Install this theme app.- Stop tweecha if it is active.- Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.
Tweecha Theme P:Cyber Red 2.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a Cyber Red Prime Theme for tweecha.Free themes show ad.Prime themes don't show ad.(If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Ads for Pro will beshown.)IMPORTANT- Cannot start from play store. Open from program menu.- Cannnot open the app from shortcut on home that createdautomatically, Remove shortcut, and create a new shortcut againfrom the program menu.- It may tweecha is unusable for several reasons, including:Twitter specification changes.- If you enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads will bedisplayed.- Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at title of settingsand notification.HOW TO USE- Install tweecha later v6.0 or later.- Install this theme app.- Stop tweecha if it is active.- Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.
Tweecha ThemeP:TheRollingPchan 4.0.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme for tweecha is a donation version.HOW TO USE- Install tweecha v6.0 or later.- Install this theme app.- Stop tweecha if it is active.- Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.IMPORTANT- If this theme doesn't show on tweecha, remove a home shortcut,and re-create a new shortcut again from the program menu.- It may tweecha is unusable for several reasons, including:Twitter specification changes.- If you enable pro settings on tweecha, ads will bedisplayed.- Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at title of settingsand notification.SUPPORT
「じゃんけんちゃ!」限界まで勝ち続けろ! 1.0
sinProject Inc.
People in the Tweecha have made rock-paper-scissors game
Tweecha Theme P:Taurus 2.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a Taurus Prime Theme for tweecha.Free themes show ad.Prime themes don't show ad.(If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Ads for Pro will beshown.)There is a possibility that the operations do not expect becausetime is short to the public.Please contact suchcases.IMPORTANT- Cannot start from play store. Open from program menu.- Cannnot open the app from shortcut on home that createdautomatically, Remove shortcut, and create a new shortcut againfrom the program menu.- It may tweecha is unusable for several reasons, including:Twitter specification changes.- If you enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads will bedisplayed.- Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at title of settingsand notification.HOW TO USE- Install tweecha later v6.0 or later.- Install this theme app.- Stop tweecha if it is active.- Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.
「おぼえるっちゃ!」前の答え覚えてる? 1.0
sinProject Inc.
Train the brain game made by Tweecha
Tweecha Theme:Pi-chan Nichijo 3.0.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a theme for tweecha.
Tweecha Theme:Taurus 2.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a Taurus Theme for tweecha.Free themes show ad.Prime themes don't show ad.(If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Ads for Pro willbeshown.)There is a possibility that the operations do not expectbecausetime is short to the public.Please contact suchcases.IMPORTANT- Cannot start from play store. Open from program menu.- Cannnot open the app from shortcut on home thatcreatedautomatically, Remove shortcut, and create a new shortcutagainfrom the program menu.- It may tweecha is unusable for several reasons, including:Twitterspecification changes.- If you enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads willbedisplayed.- Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at title ofsettingsand notification.HOW TO USE- Install tweecha later v6.0 or later.- Install this theme app.- Stop tweecha if it is active.- Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.
Tweecha ThemeP:Halloween Pi 4.0.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme for tweecha is a donation version.
Tweecha Theme:Santa Panic! 3.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a theme for tweecha. Free themes show ads. ATweechaPrimePlus Donation hides ads. Prime themes don't show ads.(If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Ads for Pro will beshown.) There is a possibility that the operations do not expectbecause time is short to the public. Please such cases. IMPORTANT - Cannot start from playstore. Open from program menu. - Cannnot open the app from shortcuton home that created automatically, Remove shortcut, and create anew shortcut again from the program menu. - It may tweecha isunusable for several reasons, including: Twitter specificationchanges. - If you enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads will bedisplayed. - Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at titleof settings and notification. HOW TO USE - Install tweecha laterv6.0 or later. - Install this theme app. - Stop tweecha if it isactive. - Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.
Tweecha ThemeP:Obake Inaisa 4.0.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme for tweecha is a donation version.
はかるっちゃ!健康と美容とダイエットにBMI・理想体型確認 1.0
sinProject Inc.
Twitterアプリランキング1位獲得「tweecha」の中の人が作った健康体重や美容体重、理想体型が簡単にわかる「はかるっちゃ!」です!ご意見ご要望は @iam_o_sin まで!アプリレビュー、メール等では受け付けておりません!ご注意下さい!) 機能・特徴 - 健康体重の確認に 「体重 kg÷ (身長m×身長m)」で求められる数を BMI (ボディマス指数) と言い、この数値が22に近いほど良いと言われています。BMI22とどれだけ離れているかを「肥満度」という数値で表します。 - 標準体重の確認に 日本肥満学会 では BMI が18.5以上で25未満が「標準体重」としており、6段階の状態区分が定められています。 - 健康体重の確認に BMI 22となる「健康体重」と現在との差、及び健康体重の場合の理想摂取カロリーを確認できます。 - 美容体重の確認に BMI 20となる「美容体重」と現在との差、及び理想摂取カロリーを確認できます。 - 理想体型の確認に一人ひとりの美しさを発見するための立体的なバランス指標「ゴールデンカノン」を元に理想的なバストサイズ、ウエストサイズ、ヒップサイズ、太ももサイズを確認できます。- 基礎代謝は年齢、性別、活動レベルを元に算出「厚生労働省:日本人の食事摂取基準(2010年版)」を参考に年齢、性別、体重より基礎代謝量を算出します。また活動レベルにエネルギー所要量を求めています。- 便利なメモリー保存機能入力した状態をメモリーに保存しておけます。起動時にはプライバシーを考慮して自動ではメモリーの情報を表示しないようにしています。 -身長と体重の単位選択身長の単位は「センチメートル」と「フィート」が選択できます。体重の単位は「キログラム」と「ポンド」が選択できます。 ---アプリの詳細は「はかるっちゃ!」の公式webサイトを御覧ください!アプリを紹介して頂いているwebサイト *Ateitexe - アンドロイダー -
Tweecha Theme:NatsuiroPi-chan 3.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a theme for tweecha.
Tweecha Prime 方言版 - 時間順・時刻表示で今 76.2.51
sinProject Inc.
Twitter client popular No.1! Was introduced in NHK and newspapers,super-popular Twitter client ♪ to the young woman
Tweecha ThemeP:On The Clouds 5.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme for tweecha is a donation version.
Tweecha Theme:HimawariPi-chan 3.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a theme for tweecha.
Tweecha Theme:Happy Autumn 3.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a theme for tweecha.
Tweecha Theme:Akiiro Pi-chan 3.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a theme for tweecha.
Tweecha Theme:Nijiiro Pi-chan 3.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a theme for tweecha.
Tweecha ThemeP:HALLOWEEN Pi! 4.0.1
sinProject Inc.
This theme for tweecha is a donation version.
Tweecha ThemeP:Halloween 2015 4.0.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme for tweecha is a donation version.
Tweecha ThemeP:Happy Autumn 4.0.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme for tweecha is a donation version.
Tweecha Theme:HALLOWEEN Pi! 3.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a theme for tweecha.
Tweecha Theme:Hawk 2.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a Hawk Theme for tweecha.Free themes show ad.Prime themes don't show ad.(If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Ads for Pro willbeshown.)There is a possibility that the operations do not expectbecausetime is short to the public.Please contact such cases.IMPORTANT- Cannot start from play store. Open from program menu.- Cannnot open the app from shortcut on home thatcreatedautomatically, Remove shortcut, and create a new shortcutagainfrom the program menu.- It may tweecha is unusable for several reasons, including:Twitterspecification changes.- If you enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads willbedisplayed.- Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at title ofsettingsand notification.HOW TO USE- Install tweecha later v6.0 or later.- Install this theme app.- Stop tweecha if it is active.- Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.
Tweecha Theme:TheRollingP-chan 3.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a theme for tweecha.
Tweecha Theme:X'mas Pi-chan 3.0.1
sinProject Inc.
This is a theme for tweecha.
Tweecha Theme:Pink Flower 3.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a theme for tweecha.
Tweecha Theme:Santa Animals 2.2
sinProject Inc.
This is The Santa Animals theme for tweecha.Free themes show ads.A TweechaPrimePlus Donation hides ads.Prime themes don't show ads.(If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Ads for Pro will beshown.)There is a possibility that the operations do not expect becausetime is short to the public.Please contact such cases.IMPORTANT- Cannot start from play store. Open from program menu.- Cannnot open the app from shortcut on home that createdautomatically, Remove shortcut, and create a new shortcut againfrom the program menu.- It may tweecha is unusable for several reasons, including:Twitter specification changes.- If you enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads will bedisplayed.- Cannot change the icons at title on startup, at title of settingsand notification.HOW TO USE- Install tweecha later v6.0 or later.- Install this theme app.- Stop tweecha if it is active.- Start theme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.
sinProject Inc.
Brain training game to look the same character that people in oneplace acquisition Twitter app ranking of "tweecha" was made
Tweecha Theme:Aries 3.0.0
sinProject Inc.
This is a Aries Theme for tweecha. Free themes show ad. Primethemes don't show ad. (If Pro settings are enabled on tweecha, Adsfor Pro will be shown.) IMPORTANT - Cannot start from play store.Open from program menu. - Cannnot open the app from shortcut onhome that created automatically, Remove shortcut, and create a newshortcut again from the program menu. - It may tweecha is unusablefor several reasons, including: Twitter specification changes. - Ifyou enalebe pro settings on twecha, ads will be displayed. - Cannotchange the icons at title on startup, at title of settings andnotification. HOW TO USE - Install tweecha later v6.0 or later. -Install this theme app. - Stop tweecha if it is active. - Starttheme app, then the tweecha was started with theme.
Tweecha ThemeP:Ippai Uguisu 5.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme of Tweecha is for donation.
Tweecha ThemeP:Winter Uguisu 5.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme of Tweecha is for donation.
Tweecha Lite for Twitter: Pres 77.1.3
sinProject Inc.
Best Twitter App made in Japan. Best Chronological TL.
Txiicha Pro for Twitter: Best Chronological TL
sinProject Inc.
--Important Announcement-- On 8/16, Twitter will discotinuetheirUsersteam and old DM API. Because of this, DMs and thenotificationscreen will no longer be useable. For details, checkthe help menu.Best Twitter app that changes your future: Txiicha”The app youshould try if you're not satisfied with Twitter apps" ”The app is worth a try if you are not satisfiedwiththe official Twitter app” - --- *EARLY ACCESS* :Joinearly access development with testing and feedback! : Pleasegiveus feedback if you find a bug or feel that there are placeswherethe app can improve. : This early access app is incomplete. Itmayor may not change further. *FEATURES* : Saves scroll positionevenafter restarting : Display tweet time on Twitter timeline :Alwaysdisplays tweets in chronological order : No accidentallylikes andretweets : Tweet while viewing the Twitter timeline : Seeuser'sfollow status from the Twitter timeline : Backgrounddataaquisition when notification is enabled : Shows number offollowerson the user list screens : Various notifications forretweets,likes, and more : A familiar layout that resembles theofficialTwitter app *We value your opinion* Thank you for themanyrequests. We will continue to respond positively to therequests ofusers and strive to provide the highest level ofservice. Pleasesend us feedback and bug reports to"Feedback". --- *TXIICHA PLANS*Txiichahas one subscription service (Txiicha Plus) and twoeditions(Txiicha Pro/Txiicha Lite). Click here for moredetails. TXIICHA PLUS -Subscription :Yearly plan¥9900/yr : Monthly plan¥990/mo : Use allextensionsTXIICHA PRO FOR TWITTER - Donation edition : ¥990 : Useall ProFeatures : Extensions Trial♪ FOR TWITTER - Trial edition : ¥0 : Has Ads : ProFeatures Trial♪ : Extensions Trial♪*Store Review* Help encourage the developers and help us makeabetter app by leaving us reviews! *TERMS OF SERVICE* By usingthisapp, you agree to follow our Terms of Service and all otherrulesandpolicies.*AVAILABLELANGUAGES* English, French, Japanese *FOR MOREINFORMATION* --- Twitter istrademark, orregistered trademark of Twitter, Inc.
Calculacha - A simple calculat 5.1.9
sinProject Inc.
A calculator made by the dev of Tweecha, which reached #1 amongTwitter apps.
Quick Countre 2019.1.1
sinProject Inc.
Quick Counter is a brain training game where you tap numbersandletters in order. Try it out! Choose between numbers,capitalletters, and lowercase letters. Aim for the global highscore!*High Score* High scores are kept for 30 days. Keep playingto stayon top! *We value your opinion* Thank you for the manyrequests. Wewill continue to respond positively to the requests ofusers andstrive to provide the highest level of service around theworld.Please send us feedback and bug reports to"Feedback".
Rendamachine 2018.1.1
sinProject Inc.
Can you tap the fastest? Gain points and become the fastest tapperin the world!
Txiicha Lite for Twitter: Best
sinProject Inc.
Best Twitter app that changes your future: Txiicha
Tweecha for Twitter 67.1.2
sinProject Inc.
We have reached the limit by Twitter. Try out Tweecha Lite.
Tweecha Prime for Twitter: Pre 76.2.51
sinProject Inc.
Best Twitter App made in Japan. Best Chronological TL.
Tweecha ThemeP:Nijiiro Pi-chan 4.0.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme for tweecha is a donation version.
Tweecha ThemeP:HimawariPi-chan 4.0.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme for tweecha is a donation version.
Tweecha ThemeP:Pi-chan Nichijo 4.0.0
sinProject Inc.
This theme for tweecha is a donation version.
Tweecha Lite 方言版 - 無料で時間順・時刻表示 76.2.51
sinProject Inc.
Twitter client popular No.1! Was introduced in NHK and newspapers,super-popular Twitter client ♪ to the young woman